The Power of Volunteering

05.05.2023 01:54 PM Comment(s) By glenn.payne

Mike’s passion for gardening led him to start volunteering at the Port Curtis Centre in the Aged Care Industry after retiring at the age of 60. For over three years, he tended to the gardens at Eden Vale before meeting the previous PC RnR Coordinator, Leonie, about four years ago. Since then, he has added his own brand of love and care to the gardens at Port Curtis, making a positive impact on the community.

When asked about his favourite part of volunteering at Port Curtis, Mike shared that it wasn’t just the gardening that brought him joy. It was also the connections and relationships he formed with the customers and staff. For Mike, volunteering was a way to give back to the community and build meaningful connections with others.

Mike’s humility and kindness shine through in his dedication to volunteering. He takes great pride in what he does and gives his all to the gardens and the people he interacts with. Mike’s efforts haven’t gone unnoticed, as both the staff and customers appreciate his time and passion. The Gladstone Community Linking Agency (GCLA) recognises how fortunate they are to have someone like Mike giving back to their gardens.

Mike’s story is an inspiring example of the positive impact that volunteering can have on both the volunteer and the community they serve. His selflessness and generosity serve as a reminder of the importance of giving back to our communities. Without the support of volunteers like Mike, many community organisations would struggle to provide the services and programs that make a difference in people’s lives.

In the end, Mike’s story is one of dedication, generosity, and compassion. He has shown that volunteering isn’t just about giving back, but also about receiving joy and fulfillment from making a positive impact on the lives of others. For that, we can all be grateful.


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