Disability and aged care the topic of Nationals visit

02.06.2023 12:33 PM Comment(s) By Jane

Gladstone Community Linking Agency (GCLA) welcomed prominent politicians to their office to discuss their concerns on the need for improvement for aged care and disability support services in the region earlier this month.

Federal Member for Flynn Colin Boyce hosted Nationals leader David Littleproud and Deputy Leader Senator Perin Davey as part of the party’s regional listening tour, meeting with GCLA chief executive Jenni Marsh, acting customer support manager Jaeme Spalding and public relations coordinator Jane Katsanevas.

The agency met with leaders at a community coffee discussion to share important needs of the community.

“Those living in the regional towns know what’s best for them, so that’s why I invited the Nationals leadership team to Gladstone, to directly speak with locals, to listen, to learn, to appreciate their concerns and find solutions,” Mr Boyce said.

As a true local not for profit organisation established in 1977by a group of parents and has since grown to be well aware of the issues and opportunities that regional towns have.

GCLA will soon launch its Social Project, a program that will allow the agency to meet sustainability targets through regular financial support, with plans to operate with a fleet of electric vehicles.

The first step to realising the project will be gaining sponsorship for our green nursing service that we will operate with electric vehicles.

Opportunities will emerge for local industry to fund projects that will support the environment and provide full employment for people with a disability.

Ms Marsh said the agency was pleased to show leaders around its Port Curtis RnR Aged Care Facility which could benefit from upgrades to provide better healthcare.

“Healthcare support staff and services within the aged care sector, as well as childcare, are a focus as there is a huge shortage across the board impacting working mums returning to work,” Ms Marsh said.

The agency also hosted leaders at its Disability Community Hub on Buller Street to discuss ways to accommodate healthcare workers with children.

“We plan to combat the day-care shortage to better support the needs of healthcare staff to get back to work to help support the needs of those in need.

“Our main goal is to work together within the community to provide the best quality care, we want to help families and give them the support and services they need,” said Jenni.


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